Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

I'm sad to miss it, just like I was sad to miss Thanksgiving when I went to Spain. But, unlike in Spain, the people here have tried to make me feel like this is a special day. The group I eat lunch with had a little fiesta for me. We had choripan, a typical Chilean sausage with bread, like a hot dog. They took out a bottle of wine, which I couldn't drink because of my medicine. And last night I made brownies with the mix I brought from the US (mmm Ghiradelli). Making brownies was an adventure in itself because the ovens here don't have temperatures on the dial, nor do they sell thermometers for inside the oven to know the temperature. Chilean women just stick their hand in the oven to see if it feels right. Also, they don't have standard measuring cups. 1/3 of a cup is actually 1/3 of a teacup! So I just estimated. The brownies turned out ok. Maria Alicia used the birthday of the US as a chance to give me a bottle of Bailey's! Yum!

I will miss fireworks. They are outlawed here and can only be seen in Valparaiso on New Year's. I miss the beach at Grandma's, the warm weather, family and friends. But, come on, how many times do I get to spend 10 weeks in Chile in my life?

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