Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nearing the End

The last few days in Chile are sort of a blur to me. I remember calling the program and telling them I wanted to go home, but I don't remember what day that was. They were great and understanding, and said, "Go! It is the best decision for you." I changed my plane ticket and found out I would be flying out on Thursday.

Saying goodbye to Claudia was very difficult. She, her mom, and Maria Alicia came over on my last night. I made another pie and we drank the bottle of Bailey's that Maria Alicia gave me on the 4th of July but I wasn't allowed to drink because I was sick and taking medication. They tried to teach me to dance the Cueca, the national dance of Chile. But I was a little too tipsy and too akward to learn it.

Thursday was the most beautiful day in Chile. The sun was out, it was warm, and the mountains were snow-covered and beautiful. In the morning, Rosa, Maria Alicia, and I boarded a bus to Santiago. It was sad to say goodbye to the house, the town, even the crazy barking dogs and crowing roosters. We stashed our luggage at the bus station and went to a museum together. Then, I treated the ladies to one of the better restaurants in the city, Como Agua para Chocolate, inspired by the book Like Water for Chocolate. It was delicious and fun; the main table at the restaurant was a big brass bed with sheets for a tablecloth. We had tea with Rosa's brother and then went back to the bus station, where Maria Alicia went back home. Rosa was continuing on to her half-sister's home after I went to the airport. While we were waiting for her brother-in-law to pick us up, a small stray dog came and sat by me. It had a terrible eye infection, but was otherwise quite adorable. I spoke with it a bit and when we got up to leave he tried to follow us. He chased me two blocks to the waiting car and heeled better than Poopy ever does. When I got in the car, he gave me the saddest look: "Why are you leaving?" After such a great day, I was beginning to wonder the same thing.

Piero was at the airport already waiting for us; he had just arrived from the northern part of the country. I was glad to be able to say goodbye to him as well. He was such a great "Perkins" for me when I was sick.

Rosa and I both cried.

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