Friday, June 29, 2007

El Veranito de San Juan

They call it El Veranito de San Juan. St. John's Little Summer. It's a few more days of warmth before it gets cold again. Friday and Saturday of last week were so unbearable that I didn't think I could make it a whole Chilean winter. But since then the nights have been chilly and the days have been warm... until the sun dips behind the mountains. Today the temperature is going to reach nearly 80! There are no clouds in the sky. The view from the school is amazing. Snow topped mountains and palm trees. Take THAT all you North Americans. I still get (a little) summer AND I get to be in Chile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah Jen! It sounds amazing! I'm such a homebody I get scared about leaving the state, but your stories make me want to join you down there!! You absolutely MUST get pictures up soon! I caught a commercial on the Travel Channel today for a special on Santiago and it made me realize I had been keeping up with your blog!
You're not missing anything here! It was in the 90's last week - and our AC broke. Good news though, we now have the shiniest, newest AC in the development! I managed to get the porch lights up and only came close to falling off the balcony once!! And i met the girl who's taking my job next year! (but i'll spare you that story for now!)
I'm not sure if you're checking your parma e-mails, but Doris Kostal's mom passed away yesterday, so keep her in your thoughts.
Anyway, hope things keep going great! Take tons of pictures!!

Miss you,
