Friday, June 29, 2007

Mi Reloj

My watch. My poor watch. He needs his own Guaterito, as Rosa would say.

My watch stopped working in Santiago. It had been in my purse and when I took it out the time was all wrong. So I went to get a new battery. They put it in my watch, I put my watch on my wrist and was ready to go. That night I took my watch off and put it in my purse. The next day it had stopped again! Darn battery store! They gave me a bad battery, I supposed. I put my watch on anyway. Later, I realized that my watch was working again. As it turns out, my battery isn't bad, my watch just needs a little calor humano or human heat, in order to work. Now, I only take off my watch when I shower. I try to see if I can make my shower short enough that my watch doesn't get too cold and stop. It only takes about 7 minutes (yes, Mom, I CAN take showers that short).

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