Monday, June 18, 2007

San Cristobal

Today I set out with four other girls to go to San Cristobal, which is a big hill in the middle of the city. We decided to walk to the river and then along it until we got to the San Cristobal. Along the way we passed a market that sold mainly fruits and vegetables but there were also little restaurants inside. We sat down for lunch and I got bread, soup, chicken and rice for about $2.50!

We walked through a dirty part of town, then a bohemian chic part of town, then showed up at the base of San Cristobal. We took the Funicular, a tram, up to the top and walked around.
Funicular route (I haven't figured out how to change the photo so it's upright. I suggest turning your head to the right 90 degrees.)

The view was AMAZING. Santiago stretched as far as I could see in every direction and in the distance I could see the snow-covered Andes. My pictures didn´t turn out great because there´s a layer of clouds and fog covering the city. But you can just take my word for it.

To go down the hill we took the Transferico, a cable car. We went down the other side of San Cristobal to the very nice side of town. There were a lot of beautiful houses over there and nice cars, too.

Now, I´m waiting for the program coordinator to show up and give us our itineraries. Classes until Thursday and then Friday morning we ship out to our towns. Good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen! So glad to hear you got your luggage and can dress in your own warm clothes. Things have been busy and crazy with me as always. I will try to keep in touch. Thinking about you and hoping that all is going well! from Lisa W