Monday, June 25, 2007

No te preocupes. ¡Estoy viva!

Don`t worry! I`m still alive!

So much has happened since Friday morning. It would take me forever to write it all, but I`ll try to write the important stuff.


6 of us left Santiago to come north into the mountains. We got to our bus destination in San Felipe and we were supposed to be greeted by two people from the program. It was freezing! We waited on the platform (outside) for an hour for the two people. Finally, I called them and they said that they were on their way and were running 'A little late.' We were all supposed to go to a lunch with our host teachers, English teachers, and school directors, but my director came and got me and took me back to the school. School gets out at 1 on Fridays but the teachers were still there having a 51st school anneversary party. I was the guest of honor. During our special lunch everyone got quiet to listen to the radio. The radio show hosts had a special 'Saludo' for the school in Las Cadenas (where I am) for their 51st anneversary and an extra special 'Saludo' for their special guest 'Yenneefer, who must be very cold.' All the teachers seemed so proud that we were on the radio. It was cute. At the lunch I met my madre, Rosa, who`s extremely nice and generous. I also met the English teacher who really doesn´t speak a word of English.

We returned to Rosa`s house after and I unpacked. She gave me presents: socks she knitted for the bed and a box of chocolates. We had tea and talked until 8 and went to bed early. There`s no heat in the house! It`s amazing how the majority of the breaths I take I can actually see. Rosa and I are lucky, however, she has a small wood burning stove that heats a very small area and she also has a propane heater in the little living room. Friday night it snowed! They told me it never snows here. Maybe once every three years or so... They told me I brought it.
Snow outside Rosa's house.


I woke up to the sound of roosters and dogs. My bed was so warm with 5 blankets and my 'Guatero' that I didn`t get up for an hour. Rosa and I went to a small Mapuche New Year's fiest in San Felipe. The Mapuche are the native people of Chile and they celebrate their New Year on the longest day of the year. Actually, the fiesta wasn't very interesting. They prayed in the Mapuche language and danced around a plant and then there was to be a lunch.

Rosa and I, however, went and had lunch with her best friend, who is also a teacher at my school. I had cactus fruit for dessert. On the news they said that Friday and Saturday were the coldest days they've ever had in 30 years.

View from outside Rosa's house on Sunday.

I woke up again because of the barking dogs. Dogs aren´t kept inside here and from 4-5 I could hear them barking outside. Rosa and I went to the cementery to visit her mom's grave. It's an above ground cementery and I took a few pictures.
Typical cemetery. Even the graves have great views!
A funeral came in while we were there. There was a small procession and people carrying flowers. Nobody was crying. We ate lunch at Rosa's father's and step-mother's house. It's very large with a big patio and even an orchard in back. The day was warm because the sun was out finally and so we ate outside on the patio (which was warmer than inside anyway) and I could take off my jacket, my two scarves, and my vest. I was left with a thin button-down sweater and a camisole.

After lunch, an old student of Rosa's (Claudia) and her mom (Carmen) came to get us in their truck and we drove to a nearby valley and climbed a hill called El Cristo de Rinconada where there is a great wood cross and Jesus carved from one single tree. From the top we had an excellent view of the valley and mountains.

A priest came up the hill with us and did a mass.

Then we went to El Cementerio de las Carretas, which is a huge field at the top of a hill where people have left old horse-drawn carts and covered wagons.
Me on the Iron Burro.
The most beautiful sky I've ever seen.

Today was the first day of school. I barely slept last night due to the incessant barking from 12:00-3:00. Rosa told me the dogs are barking at the night workmen that are constructing the new gym at our school and since the school is 3 doors down from us, we can hear the dogs barking at the workers. I went to 3 classes of 90 minutes each today. 5th, 6th, and 7th grade. I answered questions, showed them a map of the United States and pictures of Michigan. I helped them with work and pronunciation (because the English teacher doesn't know how to pronounce anything) and I played 'Diez' or 'Ten' with one of the classes.

About 7 of us went back to Rosa's house for lunch. You have to know the special password to enter but they told me I'm not allowed to tell anyone else, so... sorry. Tomorrow I've got more English classes and then the rest of the week I'll visit other teacher's classes. The kids are so excited for me to be here. They all call me Tía Jenni and want to be around me all the time. It's not hard to get them interested in English because they are so interested in me. It's quite amazing and I'm glad to be here.

The computer lab at school is pretty nice and I hope to update the blog a lot. Tomorrow I'll try to remember to bring my camera and upload some pictures.

Hasta luego!


Anonymous said...

Jen!!! Thanks for your great blog. I'm so excited for you that you're finally there, and have a school, and students, and a house, and a madre!!! That's awesome. I only wish I could be there, too! I look forward to further updates, and pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, it's Jackie and Ben. We just read everything you wrote. We're happy you're still alive:)and that things have gotten so much better since your first few days. It's hot here...90+!! I'm finally finished with school. Ben is done with soccer and now doing track and field camp. Trevor is taking tennis lessons. We hope things continue to go well for you and we're happy that everyone thinks your so COOL! Bye and have fun!!! P.S We'll check in on you every day:) :) :)